Event Logo Image

Aluminum Sponsor - $10,000 and up

Prominent logo in all 2024 Fundraising Events Programs and Media Releases

Full Gala Table Sponsorship - 10 tickets to 2024 ACSF Legacy of Excellence Gala

Recognition during all 2024 fundraising events

AHS digital marquee during fall school semester, & ACSF website

ACSF Partnership plaque 4 Alcoa Schools All Sports Passes (good for all Home Games excluding playoffs)

ACSF Social Media Press & Quarterly Sponsor Group Thank You Shout-Out (Prominent Logo)

Ten 2024 ACSF Sponsor Decals


Gold Sponsor - $5,000 -$9,999

Large logo in all 2024 Fundraising Events Programs and Media Releases

Full Gala Table Sponsorship - 10 tickets to 2024 ACSF Legacy of Excellence Gala

Recognition during all 2024 fundraising events & ACSF website

ACSF Partnership plaque

2 Alcoa Schools All Sports Passes (good for all Home Games excluding playoffs)

ACSF Social Media Press & Quarterly Sponsor Group Thank You Shout-Out (Large Logo)

Five 2024 ACSF Sponsor Decals


Silver Sponsor - $2,000 to $4,999

Small logo in all 2024 Fundraising Events Programs and Media Releases

6 tickets to 2024 ACSF Legacy of Excellence Gala

Recognition on the ACSF website

ACSF Social Media Press & Quarterly Sponsor Group Thank You Shout-Out (Small Logo)

Two 2024 ACSF Sponsor Decals


Bronze Sponsor - $1,000 to $1,999

Font name in all 2024 Fundraising Events Programs and Media Releases

4 tickets to 2024 ACSF Legacy of Excellence Gala

Recognition on the ACSF website

ACSF Social Media Press & Quarterly Sponsor Group Thank You Shout-Out (Font Name)

One 2024 ACSF Sponsor Decals


Friend of ACSF - $25 up to $1,000

One 2024 Friend of ACSF Decal

2024 ACSF Sponsors